Calgary Wild FC unveiled as Calgary’s first-ever professional women’s soccer club

Published on
May 30, 2024

CALGARY – May 30, 2024 – Calgary will have a team in the Northern Super League (NSL), it  was announced today. Calgary Wild FC will be one of six teams to play as part of the NSL, formerly Project 8, which has been working diligently to bring professional women’s soccer to  Canada for the first time.  

Until the development of Project 8, Canada was the only top ten FIFA-ranked nation that didn’t  have a women’s professional soccer league. Through the foresight of Calgary Foothills FC,  Calgary was positioned as one of two founding teams in Project 8 with the rights secured for the  greater Calgary area. Through collaborative work across the Alberta soccer community, those  rights have moved to the Calgary Wild FC.  

“This team and league are not only about professional women’s soccer, it's about setting the  stage where Canadian female athletes are celebrated and where their achievements can inspire  the next generation of young players,” says Deanna Zumwalt, Calgary Wild FC Board Chair.  “We are ready to propel girls and women in our province to new heights demonstrating that  professional soccer is something they can aspire to right here at home.” 

Calgary Wild FC are also unveiling their logo and crest channeling the owl, a bird that is as  silent as a whisper; an all-seeing huntress, patiently waiting for the chance to strike. The colours  of neon violet and red are representative of Calgary, reflecting its incredible sunsets and the  iconic red of the Calgary Tower.  

On the head of the owl, above the eyes, a stylized ‘W’ ensures the name of the club will be  proudly emblazoned on every Calgary Wild FC kit and further represents Alberta’s meandering rivers and sawtooth mountains. The five points making up the ‘W’ nod to Alberta’s Famous Five  and the five nations of Treaty 7.  

“We wanted to include as much of Calgary, its history and its surroundings as possible,” says  Zumwalt. “This is Calgary’s team, and we want our identity to reflect our city so that Calgarians  identify with the logo, the colours, and the team, making the crest their own. With the spirit of  'she shoots, she soars,' we aim to embody the idea that this team will lift women’s soccer in  Calgary and Alberta to new heights. The sky’s the limit.” 

The team is also pleased to announce its partnership with Cenovus Energy, as a founding  partner and the Official Energy Sponsor of the team.  

“This league will foster teamwork, nurture talent and provide opportunities for women and girls  in all areas of the sport,” said Susan Anderson, Senior Vice-President, People Services.  “Cenovus is committed to supporting women’s excellence on and off the field.” 

“We haven’t yet stepped foot on the pitch, but already Calgarians are excited for what’s  coming,” says Zumwalt. “We are grateful for the support of Cenovus and excited to welcome  them as our founding partner. They are an incredible company representing the trail blazing  spirit of Alberta and we look forward to continuing to work with them to make professional  women’s soccer a reality in our province.” 

Calgary’s business community has rallied behind the new team with several companies,  including Daughter Creative, Arcade, Worthington PR & Story, and Blakes supplying services,  support and leadership to make the launch a reality.  

“These founding supporters embody the energy and community spirit that makes Calgary so  special, and the right place to launch this historic drive,” says Zumwalt.  

Calgary Wild FC and McMahon Stadium Society are working hard to make McMahon the home  of the club. 

“We are excited at the prospect of playing in front of hometown crowds at McMahon Stadium,”  says Zumwalt. “It was truly inspiring to walk into the iconic Calgary landmark and imagine the  team running out onto the pitch for the first time.”. 

Since securing the rights, Calgary Foothills FC, in partnership with the Alberta Soccer Association and the support of the Calgary Wild FC, has established the women’s High Performance Program, a development pipeline for Alberta players endorsed by Canada Soccer.

“The prospect of professional women’s soccer in our province is already creating new  opportunities for young women across the province and Calgary Wild FC will continue opening  up the pipeline to pro,” says Zumwalt. 

On Sunday, the Calgary Tower was lit in red and purple as a subtle nod to what is being  announced today.  

Over the next several months, Calgary Wild FC will be making further exciting announcements  around player signings, management, coaching staff and ticketing. For updates and  announcements, please visit and join the mailing list. 

About Calgary Wild FC 

Calgary Wild FC is Calgary’s team in the Northern Super League (NSL), Canada’s top tier of  women’s soccer. The team and organization are committed to providing a new professional  pathway for Canadian women to play a high level of soccer right here at home. Through its  tagline ‘she shoots, she soars,’ the team seeks to inspire the next generation of girls to  understand that the sky is the limit to their soccer aspirations.  

About Northern Super League 

Northern Super League is a new Canadian professional women’s soccer league, which  currently consists of six clubs in key Canadian markets and is set to kick off in spring of 2025.  The league is built by players and supporters of the beautiful game with best practices from  around the world and aims to further Canadian excellence in sport, equity and inclusion. For  more information and updates on the Northern Super League, please visit 

Media Contacts 

Kelly McGuire 

Paula Worthington  

Worthington PR & Story 


Mike Brown 

Worthington PR & Story 


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